因應趨勢之下,屏東縣教育處秉持部會推展國際化宗旨,努力建構國中小國際觀及增益國際化之作為,推出「系統化」、「專業化」、「績效化」之策略。在這理念中,南榮國中師生戮力合作,加強中小學師生參與國際教育交流活動,因此98年獲得教育部青睞獲選為全國ICT (International Conference on Technology) 十大典範學校。
另為延伸觸角,曾有日本青森縣官員若松女士、加拿大國際交流處處長Hugh McKeown、紐西蘭Kati Kati校長Peter、美國培基主任George蒞臨南榮國中,進行意見訪談,本校積極地培養教師及同學們帶著走的能力、不斷地充實自己專業能力外的英語語文能力,可見一斑。
帶領學生進入不同的學習領域、接觸不同文化,例如日本、德國、澳洲 (Caloundra Christian College)、新加坡坤成女中、培風中學、紐西蘭(Hillcrest)等來校訪問。
The Commemoration of International Communication Program in Nan-Jung Junior High School in Ping Tung By Iris Chiu 06/15/09
Nan-Jung Junior High School was founded in 1966. Over the past thirty years the school has gone through many developmental changes and has made much progress. We started our international communication program in 1982, and by 2009 we had received one of the top ten modeling schools in ICT (International Conference on Technology) from the Ministry of Education in Taiwan.
We continually encourage our schoolteachers and students to attend training courses either in Taiwan or foreign countries, and also upgrade our teaching equipment towards the most cutting-edge technology in education. The following reflects what we have done.
1. Teachers' part
We encourage teachers to attend on-the-job training. We also applaud teachers for their post graduate study in Taiwan, America and England. In addition, we extended our academia to connect with Hugh McKeown (Canadian Executive Director), Peter (Principal of Kaiti Kaiti College in New Zealand) and George (Dean of Institute in Basic Life Principals in U.S.A.)
2. Students’ part
For the students’ experience, we have led them into different countries such as Germany, Japan and Australia for even more features and benefits exclusively available to them as a dynamic learner. Our goal is to establish a relationship with sister schools in America, New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom in the near future. Furthermore, we officially built a professional English Village in 2008 to provide student and teachers with an opportunity to experience real-life experiences from America. We are delighted to see more than 6,000 students from all over southern Taiwan enjoy the English Village throughout the 2008-2009 semesters.
3. The employment of latest technology
We consistently upgrade our computer systems when the technology is of use to us; we’re never satisfied with outdated tools. The next improvement on our agenda will have us cooperate with the Institute for Information Industry. The aim is to upgrade our communication system and allow more people to use English to communicate with others, therefore increasing our eyesight of the world.
4. Three famous groups visited our school
Three famous groups visited our school
(1) Onidaiko performed in our school in 2005.
(2) The students of Hiroshima Junior High School played percussion music in 2009.
(3) Students and teachers of Saitama Senior High School visited us on May 1st, 2009. With their performance on our campus, we hope to catch people’s attention in the international communication program throughout the country.
The progression of learning and teaching at Nan Jung Junior High is unprecedented. We are looking for better teaching methods for our schoolteachers and students. We know we will face more challenges than before; however, we believe we can confidently foster enthusiasm and drive in order to bring a new energy to our organization in an ever competitive new era for Pingtung County.