寄件者: 日本東京國際學園
> 寄件日期: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 09:36:03 +0800
> 收件者: "Nanei Ava" 本校陳采瀕老師
> [ava317@pchome.com.tw]
> 主旨: I'm so sorry!
> Dear Ava!First of all ,I need to apologize for the
> delay of my answer to your e-mail.I thought I answered you last
> week soon after I got your e-mail with the pictures of
> drums. Later we had a national holiday, and I got a 5days
> off. I was really happy to hear that you have same
> kinds of drums as we have at our school . Your drums wil be
> perfect for us.Two drums will be necessary when we'll go to
> your school .We are planning to dance to the accompaniment of
> drums. At this moment, we don't have anything else
> that we need to ask you to prepare. Thank you very much
> for your kindness.I wll keep contact with you until
> we'll meet you in Taiwan. Best
> regards,Michiko TsuyukusaTokyo kokusai
> gakuen