
About Katikati College

Katikati College is a co-educational Year 7 to 13 school committed to excellence.

Katikati College is located in the town of Katikati which is approximately 30 kms north of the city of Tauranga in the western Bay of Plenty region of New Zealand.
Mission Statement
Katikati College will aim to provide learning opportunities for all of its students which challenge them to reach their full potential while recognising the diverse nature of our community.
The College recognises that success depends upon the partnership between school, home and community.
The needs of the students and their learning are the focus of our Strategic Plan, Annual Plan and Achievement Targets.
By following the guiding principles of the Annual Plan, the Board of Trustees will ensure that all students are given an education which enhances their learning, builds on their needs and respects their dignity. This education shall challenge them to achieve personal standards of excellence and to reach their full potential. All school activities are designed to advance these purposes.
This will be achieved through a partnership between the school, its community and the Ministry under the provisions of the Education Act.
The Board of Trustees will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the school meets the goals and objectives of our Annual Plan within the resources and time available to it.
Katikati College Philosophy
Katikati College is a co-educational Year 7 to 13 school committed to excellence.
Academic achievement is of paramount importance and all students are encouraged to utilise their full academic potential to reach the highest goals possible. These goals will be reached by the College providing qualified and committed teachers, continually upgrading facilities, setting and maintaining standards of work and behaviour and communicating with parents. Students can be assured that staff are interested in them as people and that they can expect help when they need it. Staff also expect to be treated with respect. Co-operation of all parties is the key to success.
All students do not develop at the same rate, and potential for development varies. Our learning centre identifies students with learning difficulties and they are given individual programmes. Programmes are also available to cater for more able students.
A multi-level timetable in the senior school enables students to work at various levels and provides a choice of subject area more suited to individual needs.
Clear prerequisites are set for progress to the next level of study. Students must display basic competency at a level before moving to the next one.
The College expects students to take responsibility for their own learning. This includes attending regularly, behaving sensibly, utilising their own individual talents and studying at home. Parents too, can help in this development by taking an interest in their students’ work, by providing study facilities and be seeing that that standards of work and behaviour are set and maintained. Parent –teacher links and support are also very important in fostering student achievement.
While we emphasise the importance of academic excellence it is important to remember that to develop a well-balanced and mature adult there are many other facets of school life which need to be incorporated. Students find success not only academically but also in a host of other areas. Recreation and sport are areas in which many students find success. It is our aim to provide opportunities for students to participate in a very wide range of activities both in terms of team sports and individual pursuits. The number of sports offered is in direct relationship to the number of staff and parents willing to assist in this field.
Education outside of the classroom provides an opportunity for students to excel in situations outside (of the classroom) and we aim to provide opportunities for students to have new experiences and to carry these experiences into later life.
In the areas of music and drama we aim to provide an opportunity for students to grow in expertise and confidence. The very high standards set over the last years gives students an indication of the heights to which they can aspire. The happy mix of academic success, sport, drama, music and the arts is one of which we are proud and it will be our aim to keep that mix in place.
Pastoral care is an important part of our role as a College. Students can expect that their interests, concerns and problems will be handled in a caring, confidential and constructive manner. Form teachers have overall concern for the well-being of their form group and they are assisted by a Dean at each level. Other services such as Careers Advisors, Guidance Counsellors and Senior Staff are available to help. The pressures on young people’s lives today are greater than ever before and the College has an important contribution to make in enabling students to reach their full potential without succumbing to these forces.
The Student Health Centre provides a professional health practitioner for students to access at school three mornings a week. The nurse deals with a wide range of health issues for our students and provides a vital service for our young people.
Over the years many of our students have excelled nationally. Our examination results are excellent. Katikati College is consistently among the top schools in the country for its decile rating. These results have been obtained because of a dedicated staff and by the good work habits of students. Several sportspersons and teams have gained national honours as have students in a diverse range of activities from science projects to fashion design. Rural schools can succeed and we do.
These are our lofty aims, but we feel that with strong parental co-operation, a well-ordered and disciplined school environment and staff who care, students can reach their full potential as young adults. In the end, however, the greatest commitment must come from the students themselves to utilise all of their talents in whatever fields, and to become involved and not be a spectator. Life does not wait for spectators.
