
Questionnaire and Assessments

Questionnaire and Assessments
By Iris Chiu 090224
I am currently doing a special program, ICT. For this, I need to carry out a research project which will be presented as a teaching material next time. This research questionnaire aims to focus upon important aspects of learning English in this program.
I would be extremely grateful if you agree to participate in this program, and hope we can ignite some interests to speak English. This program will put into practice for six to eight weeks; hence, I’d like to get your honest suggestions. That is, the more input you can submit, the more likely I can improve the program.
There are sixty-six teachers in my school. After the training course, fifty-eight teachers handed in this questionnaire. Eventually, I can adapt some teaching materials based upon your suggestions to set the benchmark. Our team hopefully can outline an illuminating way to enhance three levels’ lessons.

1. According to the lesson that we taught in the end of last semester, please write down which sections impressed you most favorably?
(1) Wesley’s report
Over all, his report was very captivating; teachers were highly inspired. His lesson was active, communicated with teachers efficiently, and offered high-end technology on protecting the environment. In addition, the course provides teachers with many valuable insights into the relationship between man and the environment.

(a) The words in the slide were hard to read because they were too small.
(b) It would have been helpful to have pictures included in Wesley’s slides.
(c) Nearly fifty percent of the teachers, especially the basic level teachers, asked to add some Chinese translation which would help them to catch up to speed during the class.

(2) Teaching material
In the beginning, there were some vocabulary, phrases and terminologies, so teachers were left high and dry. Also one third of the teachers found it difficult to recognize the terminology with the short time they were given.

(a) Teachers should put some dialogue in the essay if possible. That would especially help the topic of global warming be more easily understood.
(b) On-the-job training is a good way to polish teachers’ language ability. But, it is so hard to have a routine training course with the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
(c) The length of the essays are too long to read for the hour that we had in each group.

(3) The class atmosphere (include the three levels’ teachers teaching methods and expression)
All teachers worked hard in order to scrub us eagerly for our language ability. All the teachers were willing to join the training course next time if they got adequate language support.

(a) Teachers thought the course book was too tough to read because there were some big words.
(b) Eighty percent of the teachers considered it difficult to read this essay in this period.
(c) Looking up the words in a dictionary beforehand, teachers were going to get everything ready easier.

2. Do you think it is a good way to take the handouts before the class?
Fifty percent of the teachers will prepare the course before they got the handouts. Therefore, they all gave the positive responses. But, few teachers still wondered the press of time every day. As starting to work, they will leave little time to read. They could not get much progress.

3. What was the most difficult part for you during your experience in this class?
Ninety percent of the teachers said they had not studied English for a long time. It was the hardest work that they have encountered. Many teachers, more than half, had no idea what the guide teachers were trying to express.

Given these experiences, teachers perhaps will become more tactful during this semester.

4. What will you do for your language learning in the future?
After the stimulating class, sixty percent of the teachers dusted themselves off, picked up some books and then began to study hard. Even more exciting was that one teacher said she will make it a rule to listen to the English radio program while driving her car to school every day.

5. Some tips in learning English
(1) We can find the overdue magazines to keen to get some knowledge.
(2) Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. If you are afraid to make a mistake, then that is your biggest mistake right there. To be a kid while you learn languages, try as much as you can since the kids have no limitations on themselves. So, keep working! You can make it someday!
(3) English Village teachers are all our good friends. They will always be willing to assist us whenever we need it.
The principal unveils plans to cooperate with English Village teachers that will make new language support for each teaching area. Our ideas are:
(1) Short term
Starting with a routine meeting on Wednesdays, we plan to teach a short English poem or an English essay to help teachers get some ideas. Teachers will get more time to read some easy essays and know some foundational vocabulary and phrases. Our team hopes to reach a deal with teachers and students to learn English so that it becomes routine work in this semester.

(2) Long term
Improved ties with vocabulary and reading essays will benefit the habits of reading English. For example, the team of ICT would like to get English Village teachers together and then guide our school teachers in each teaching area. Expectedly, our team will kick both students and teachers into high gear in learning English. We hope to not only offer some opportunities for learning, but to lay a new foundation for growth.

I am impressed to see that every teacher gives me so many positive feedback and constructive suggestions. On the other hand, much of my appreciation for my principal comes from having spent part of my time having her to guide me through some trifling work.
Indeed, globalization has made the distance of once remote East to Western countries become much shorter. Learning English has become an essential work for us. However, the fact is that learning English takes a bit of time for us to know the ropes.
Today I would like to suggest to all teachers that the challenges in learning English in the beginning can be difficult to overcome. We have to face it even though it will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But we know this: learning English is not an overnight job. There is no short cut in language learning. Studying hard and practicing frequently make it possible to speak English well.


南榮國中 紐西蘭遊學十四天團 景點介紹

南榮國中 紐西蘭遊學十四天團 景點介紹
能在大草原縱馬奔馳,一直是很多人的夢想,尤其在紐西蘭這片綠色的大地。 經過洋人馬術老師(Jane)和帶團老師的指點,學員們輕鬆地學會上基本的騎術,但這只是開始,老師們會帶所有人策馬入林,循著綠色坡道直上山巔,讓學員跨在高大的駿馬上,肆意地瀏覽這片綠色大地及南太平洋的海景,這是一輩子都會記住的一刻,也是在夢中的一刻

一到羅托魯阿立刻就能聞到它的特別. 空氣中迷漫著濃郁的硫磺味, 是著名的地熱區. 有間歇泉、冒泡的泥沼和溫泉, 矽化台地自然呈現出有如萬花筒的顏色. 羅托魯阿是紐西蘭毛利文化的中心地帶, 遊客可在這裡體驗到溫馨的毛利精神. 雖然毛利人口主要份佈於都會地區, 羅托魯阿區內仍有35座「瑪雷」(毛利大會堂). 您還可能有幸進入瑪雷裡作客人- 絕對是個令人難忘的體驗.

"愛歌頓" 休閒農莊綿羊表演秀
每日三場精彩繽紛的呈現綿羊表演秀。表演由一位技術嫺熟的剪羊毛高手主持,搭配有現場同步中文解說。 十九隻冠軍級綿羊依次登臺。主持人將分別介紹這些世界優良品種的綿羊的特色,並當場示範剪羊毛及綿羊拍賣。 牧羊犬 “精靈眼” 和 “亨得威” 的精彩表演加上幽默的解說詞令人捧腹大笑。 我們還會邀請幸運觀眾上臺親手擠牛奶和進行餵小羊喝羊奶競賽,把整個表演推上高潮。 “愛歌頓” 休閒農莊綿羊表演秀寓教娛樂,令觀眾感到既高興又輕鬆。
Skyline Skyriders
空中纜車是羅吐魯阿一個相當有名的景點,無論年紀,天氣如何,都可以去Skyline體驗一番. 搭乘纜車上到山頂, 俯視整個城市與羅吐魯阿湖(Lake Rotorua),相信你會對羅吐魯阿有一番全新不同的感受.
空中纜車總長900公尺, 垂直高度為178.5公尺, 每一個纜車可以搭載4個乘客,而整個纜車系統每小時可以運輸500人上到山頂. 不管是白天還是晚上你都可以利用空中纜車上山,親身體驗居高臨下的壯麗景緻.

這是在羅吐魯阿才玩得到的特殊活動喔. 駕駛著3個輪子的小型滑板車, 一路沿著彎曲的斜坡往下衝刺,黃昏時還可以欣賞美麗的夕陽呢! 小型滑板車有獨特的煞車與操控系統, 讓你可以很輕易的駕駛, 讓您樂而忘返!
整個路程總長為5公里, 提供三種不同的路線已經有超過400萬人體驗過這項刺激的活動. 只要你年滿6歲都可以來玩, 白天與晚上均有開放喔!

市府公園十八世紀都鐸王朝的建築,內有一處冒煙的湧泉….早期英國人在此興建BATH ROOM…戰時為軍醫院的療養院所….現在是羅托魯瓦博物館及美術館….博物館地下一樓仍保留著以前水療浴間的管路.設備。

The Redwoods (Te Whakarewarewa) 紅木森林 1901 年,新西蘭人在這個紅森林裏面種植了170多種不同的樹木,希望能夠驗證出哪里種樹能夠最適應新西蘭,尤其是羅托魯阿這個地熱資源豐富的地區。在這170多種樹中,有三分之一的種類存活下來。現在,紅木森林也是人們散步,或者是進行山地自行車鍛煉的好地方...

位於紐西蘭北島豐富灣區(Bay of Plenty)的羅托魯阿地區有大大小小共14個湖泊,羅托魯阿湖雖是此區第一大湖,但Rotorua原本是第二座湖的意思。1350年左右發現者Ihenga乘著Te Arawa獨木舟來到紐西蘭,從岸邊前往內陸,遇上的第一個湖為Rotoiti湖,繼續前行後所碰到的第二個湖即羅托魯阿湖。

Karangahake Gorge Historic Walkway沿著奧利穆利河而下,經過岩石和圓石,到達卡朗格哈克峽谷。金礦遺址和自然風光使得它成為一個令人難忘的步行道。步行道的一部分通過峽谷河岸下的舊鐵路線建立。它橫跨三座橋樑,包括一個穿越1100米隧道的2公里長的環路。此鐵路線在1979年就關閉了,遊客可以盡情地去感受這段黃金開採的歷史。當你漫步在這優美的環境中時,昔日的一切都縈繞著你。卡朗格哈克步行道全長7公里,歷時大約兩小時。其中的45分鐘是花在環路上。皇家電車軌道和視窗步行道直接通往行人通道。設在舊鐵路上的懷基諾的遊客中心專門為遊客提供遊覽指南。

華喜鎮(Waihi)有新西蘭含量最高的金礦。瑪撒礦(Martha Mine)從1878年開始開採,到現在每週仍能開採出價值百萬美元的金銀。採礦公司每天按時引導旅遊者參觀露天採礦區。在懷赫和懷基諾 (Waikino)之間有一條古老的鐵路,在那裏可以發現早期金礦的遺址。在小鎮,你會注意到一些有趣的古建築。華喜鎮有值得驕傲的歷史,開闢了突出特色景點的歷史遺跡線路。鎮中心近期越來越活絡,開設了不少的咖啡館。

獨樹山(One Tree Hill)
位於市北的肯威爾公園(Cornwall Park),占地120公頃,高183公尺,因山頂只有一棵松樹而得名。山下有綠蔭蔭的草地,成群的綿羊,是體驗奧克蘭鄉村風情的好地方。  這裏古時曾是毛利人的居住地,現在還可以看到大面積的17至18世紀毛利人城市遺跡以及毛利人建的碉堡。山頂上還有奧克蘭城市創立者(奧克蘭之父)——約翰羅根堪培爾(John Logan Campbell)爵士紀念碑。
女王大街Queen Street
位於紐西蘭第一大城-奧克蘭328公尺高聳入天的天空塔是南半球最高的建築物,並且天空塔也是全世界第12高的建築物,比巴黎的艾菲爾鐵塔及雪梨的AMP塔還高.試著想像天空塔的高度,有如37輛巴士接連在一起的長度.天空塔的重量也是相當驚人的,2千1百萬公斤,相當於6千頭大象的重量. 天空塔的建材上以一萬五千立方公尺的混凝土及兩千噸的強力鋼筋, 天空塔是費時兩年九個月的時間建造完成.

地形特徵因地理位置的關係,位於南太平洋的紐西蘭,是每年全球首先迎接新年,同時也是最後一個送走舊年的國家。每年紐西蘭人都會精確計算出第一道曙光出現的時間及地點。 每年的世界的第一道曙光於夏令時間(每年10月的第1個週日到隔年3月的第3個週日)的1月1日早上5點多照射到北島東岸的希古朗基地(Hikurangi)山,而太陽將在數分鐘後於附近的吉斯本(Gisborne)升起。吉斯本以其溫暖的氣候、肥沃的土壤及佔地廣大的葡萄園聞名,此地同時也是毛利人聚集之地。
*北部地區(Northland Region):人口14.5萬。紐西蘭的〝世外桃源〞:從叢林覆蓋的半島到恍如與世隔般的馬爾堡海灣;從趣味盎然的垂釣到暢心的海上航行。當地的主要工業有造船和林業。
*奧克蘭區(Auckland Region):人口125萬。紐西蘭最大的城市奧克蘭市即位於該地區。奧克蘭市是進入紐西蘭的主要門戶,社交活動豐富、金融、製造業、精緻農業和釀酒業發達。奧克蘭位於紐西蘭北島的西北岸, 為全紐西蘭的工商業中心和第一大城, 也是往來世界各國的大門。
*懷卡多區(Waikato Region):人口37.3萬。典型的紐西蘭乳品區,綠油油的草原連綿起伏。懷卡多還是純種馬培育中心,並是迅速發展中之科技重地。羅吐魯阿是紐西蘭毛利文化的中心地帶, 遊客可在這裡體驗到溫馨的毛利精神.陶波湖是全紐西蘭最大的湖泊, 面積有616平方公里, 將近新加坡一樣大.陶波湖的自然景觀與熱力四射的戶外活動, 是紐西蘭北島觀光業的票房保證.*豐盛灣區(Bay of Plenty Region):人口25萬。紐西蘭奇異果之鄉。以地熱和火山活動景觀著稱的旅遊勝地羅托魯阿,和毗鄰的陶波湖,也都在此區,是紐西蘭主要的木製品、造紙和紙漿重地。*塔拉納基區(Taranaki Region):人口10.5萬。屬能源區,並擁有一些紐西蘭最佳草原。石油、天然氣和人造燃料的生產與乳品工業相輔相成。
*瑪納瓦圖旺格努伊區(Manawatu-Wanganui Region):人口22.7萬。位於該地區的北帕默斯頓是一個大學城,以農業和有關的研究為重點。主要工業有製造業、羊毛產品和紡織工業。*吉斯本區(Gisborne Region):人口4.5萬。紐西蘭最大的水果種植區和產酒區之一。溫暖乾燥的東海角地區是釣魚、野營和汎舟的〝天堂〞。*霍克灣區(Hawke’s Bay Region):人口14.8萬。地處山區,牧草豐盛,是主要產羊區,也盛產水果,另有釀酒、林業、肉類和羊毛加工等相關的工業。*威靈頓區(Wellington Region):人口44.5萬。威靈頓市為首都,政府所在地及外交中心,企業總部多設於此,商業及金融活動活絡。此區有製造業、工程及園藝。 威靈頓是紐西蘭的首都, 也是文化中心, 以英國公爵的名字而命名.*納爾遜區/馬爾堡區/塔斯曼區(Nelson Region; Marlborough Region; Tasman Region):人口12.8萬。為重要的糧食產地和釀酒中心。溫暖平穩的氣候使當地盛產蔬果。該地區毗鄰威靈頓,生活方式輕鬆自如。漁業及林木業發達。*西海岸地區(West Coast Region):人口3.1萬。地勢崎嶇險峻,景色壯觀獨特,被稱為浪漫的紐西蘭西部原野。森林、山脈和海岸構成了一幅無比壯麗的天然山水畫,是紐西蘭的旅遊勝地。主要工業有採金、採煤、捕魚和林業。這個西岸地區有好幾條世界聞名的冰河, 其中最大的一條就是塔斯曼冰河. 另外弗朗茲約瑟夫冰河(Franz Josef)和福克斯冰河(Fox)也是相當著名的冰河, 被列為世界的遺跡之一. *坎特伯里區(Canterbury Region):人口50.4萬。紐西蘭最〝英國化〞的地區。坎特伯里平原的地勢平坦,土壤肥沃,以農業及精緻農產品著稱。基督城是大學城及軟體和生物科技學發展的先導。基督城約在150年前開始建立, 人口約33萬, 城市中到處都是規劃整齊的花園, 是有名的花園城市, 另外英國人來此, 也以「英國之外,最像英國的城市」給了基督城一個嶄新的定義. 這裡也是進入南極的人所必經的門戶.*奧塔哥區(Otago Region):人口19.1萬。該地區最早的移民來自蘇格蘭。奧塔哥大學的醫學院在紐西蘭首屈一指。皇后城是著名的國際旅遊中心,並以滑雪(由直升飛機送上雪山)、垂釣、觀光、乘坐噴氣艇、空中彈跳及打高爾夫球等旅遊活動著稱。*南部地區(Southland Region):人口9.3萬。該地區擁有包括舉世聞名的〝米佛峽灣〞在內的眾多峽灣,景緻十分壯麗。布拉夫盛產的牡蠣是最搶手的紐西蘭美味海產。當地農業和捕魚業發達,還有一座巨型煉鋁廠。

紐西蘭有著獨特又活潑的文化。毛利原住民的文化影響了紐西蘭各個方面, 像語言、藝術, 甚至是腔調。紐西蘭地處南太平洋, 人民愛好戶外活動、運動和藝術, 使得紐西蘭人和文化獨步世界。
毛利人是奧特亞羅瓦(紐西蘭)的原住民, 於一千多年前最早乘威卡胡羅亞(遠航獨木舟)自他們家鄉哈瓦基出航登陸紐西蘭。如今, 毛利人佔總人口的百分之十四。他們的語言與文化對紐西蘭生活的各個方面造成重大的影響。
毛利文化是十分豐富與多元的文化, 包括傳統與現代的藝術品。傳統藝術品如雕刻、編織、卡帕哈卡(團體表演)、懷科雷羅(裝飾)與摩科(刺青), 流傳於整個紐西蘭。藝師延續提普那(祖先)的足跡, 模彷數百年來的技術, 也發展出令人激賞的新技藝和形式。現代的毛利文化還包括藝術、電影、電視、詩詞、劇場與嘻哈樂。
來到紐西蘭的遊客立刻就會注意到許多地名來自於毛利語。遊客首先會被一些不知如何發音的拼法搞胡塗。事實上, 毛利語很有邏輯, 發音方式很規則, 這點與英語不同那樣幾無規則可循。
要如何唸出Onehunga, Whangamomona, Kahikatea和 Nguru?
a、e、i、o、u (a音如car裡的a、e音如egg裡的e、i音如tee裡的ee、u音如to裡的o)。毛利語有八個子音與英語相同-h、k、m、n、p、r、t和w。還有兩個與英語不同的子音-wh和ng。許多毛利人會把wh唸得像英語的f。而ng的音與英語song裡的ng發音類似, 不過毛利語把這個子音放在字首。
Kia ora = 你好!
遊客只要用這句問候語向紐西蘭人打招呼, 無論是毛利人還是白人, 都會愉快地回應。
Kia ora — 你好Kia ora tatou — 大家好Tena koe — 向你問好(對一個人說) Tena koutou — 向你們問好 Haere mai — 歡迎
Kei te pehea koe? — 最近可好? Kei te pai — 不錯Tino pai — 非常好Haere ra — 再見
Ka kite ano — 下次再會(再見)Hei konei ra — 再會
無論您喜歡的是毛利雕刻還是抽象畫, 您都會發現紐西蘭有極多藝術品。傳統毛利藝術如雕刻和編織都十分具活力和美觀。您會發現全國各地都有頂級的博物館、商店和會堂(毛利人聚會所)。
要瞭解「奇異風格」(Kiwiana)之前, 首先要知道kiwi真的意思是什麼。Kiwi即奇異鳥, 一種不會飛的原生鳥類, 於夜間活動, 也是紐西蘭的國鳥。它有長長的喙, 尖端有鼻孔, 夜晚時出沒, 在地上啄食小蟲。不過多年來, 紐西蘭人也被稱為「Kiwi」。有「kiwi」式的幽默、「kiwi」自己動手作的態度, 而「奇異風格」指的是所有形成紐西蘭風格感的事物。不要被下面的說明搞混了: 奇異果(kiwifruit)在歐洲和美國也常被稱為「kiwi」, 而風行世界的「Kiwi」牌鞋油實際上卻是澳洲人所發明的!
奇異果常被簡稱為「kiwi」, 最早源自中國, 但現在遍植於紐西蘭各地。紐西蘭人原來叫它「中國醋栗」(Chinese Gooseberry), 但是當紐西蘭人決定出口這種水果時, 決定給它換一個較響亮的名字。於是它更名為「奇異果」, 因為可以把這種水果和紐西蘭聯想在一起。這個決定十分適切, 紐西蘭在全世界奇異果大流行的時候大量出口奇異果。如今, 雖然全世界都有生產奇異果, 但您還是可以分得出哪些是來自紐西蘭, 因為它的品牌名為「佳沛金」(Zespri)。
鳥兒與「嗡嗡蜂」(Buzzy Bees)
「嗡嗡蜂」- 不是真的蜜蜂, 而是玩具 – 可能是最著名的「奇異風格」物品。但「嗡嗡蜂」吸引紐西蘭人的並非它鮮紅和黃色的外觀, 因為紐西蘭比較常用綠色和棕色等灌木的顏色。只要你拖拉這個玩具, 「嗡嗡蜂」的翅膀就會轉動, 發出奇妙而響亮的喀嗒聲。


Self Introduction of 809 class.

809 is a marching band class. There are 25 male students and 25 female students. We have happy and funny atmosphere in our class, and everybody have the kinds of gifts . In fact, we don’t like to study, but we must study hard now for the future. Most of us like music very much, and learn it in childhood. Not of us know every musical instrument in the marching band; we start to learn new musical instruments when we go into Nan-Jung high school. We gain a lot of valuable experience by means of strict training everyday.

Self Introduction of 811 class.

Self Introduction of 810 class.

Self Introduction of 808 class.

Self Introduction of 804 class.

Self Introduction of 805 class.

Self Introduction of 806 class.

Self Introduction of 807 class.

Self Introduction of 802 class.

Self Introduction of 803 class.

Self Introduction of 801 class.

My name is ....?
My hobby is ....?